CBC, TFT, Diabetes Screening
Urine R/M
36 Parameters (1099- 799)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, TFT, Diabetese Screening, Liver Function Test, Kidney Function Test, Lipid Profile, Urine R/M
5 Parameters (1200- 1299)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, TFT, Diabetes Screening, Liver Function Test, Kidney Function Test, Lipid Profile, Vitamin B12, Vitamin R/M
57 Parameters (3000- 2199)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, TFT, Diabetese Screening, Liver Function Test, Kidney Function Test, Lipid Profile, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Electrolytes, Thyroid Function Test, Urine R/M
60 Parameters (3500- 2399)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ Women Wellness CBC With Peripheral Smear Review, Throid Funcion Test, Diabetes Screening, Iron Profile, Urine R/M
39 Parameters (1500 – 1199)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, ESR, MP, Widal, Typhidot, SGOT, SGPT, Urine R/M
40 Parameters (1200- 999)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ Random / Fasting Blood Sugar, HbA1C, Creatining, Urea, Lipid Profile, Urine R/M
26 Parameters (1200- 999)
Book Appointment 7415959419
18 Parameters (800 – 400)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, ESR, CRP, Electrolyte
21 Parameters (1100- 999)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC With Peripheral Smear Review, Iron Profile, Vitamin B12
21 Parameters (2000- 1499)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ CBC, ESR, Calcium, Uric Acid, RA Factor, CRP
21 Parameters (1250 – 999)
Book Appointment 7415959419
✔ Basic + Vitamin D, ANCA
23 Parameters (4300- 3500)
Book Appointment 7415959419